Friday, September 23, 2011

America, America, America

America, America, America, when are you going to learn? Club America from Mexico, A.K.A my favorite team, just signed a new coach, the fifth one in the last two years. America is the 2nd team with most championships in Mexican soccer history with 10, just behind arch rivals Chivas with 11. Believe or not America is in that place even though they have only won two championships in the last twenty years. The whole team has been a disaster since 2005, which was the year the last championship was won. They keep bringing foreign players that cost millions of dollars who don't really help at all. As a fan I would prefer for the team to give a chance to young players who really love the team rather than keep giving this has beens all these millions of dollars. The problem is not the coaches, It's the owner. The billionaire owner, Emilio Azcarraga, who also owns Mexican TV giant Televisa does not care about the team because he only cares about the money. Money does not buy championships, good players and better owners do.

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